A good day,
an odd day,
a long day.
home came in and out.
Homie julie missing Los Angeles for years while in Austin, Tx. Back in LA now, but not home.
drinks under the sun with amiga from cali: love new york, miss home. go home, miss ny.
we is uprooted, not home en casa de padres, not home away from it...
rum/coke, kick push, lua,
i love you man, i send my best wishes. ny is a big, lonely, damn place,even in my "home town", i feel these hills single me out too. i miss you man, i want to get out of this situation A.S.A.P. get out of mt sac. get my high school diploma and take off. take a break. i want to pursue other things. the slumps. playing music on the train for some change for a meal. roughin it. i know its best to have goals in life but i cant get my hands on one. as crazy as that sounds. im texting you right now.. much love - dg