I have a tio who I love, almost all the time! He knows more about Chicano/a history and Los Angeles than I do. To make matter worse el tio can dance TODO! Yes, TO-DO.
When I was an undergrad at UCLA and told him I was taking Chicano/a studies classes he quizzed me on Luis Valdez... After answering correctly he told me he was part of el teatro campesino...
Lesson learned: el tio lived what I was studying...
Years later when I told el tio that I was earning/writing my masters on La crisis de los 1980s, he recited an immense amount of jokes from the era... luckly, I knew most of them...
When I told el tio I was going to New York to study Mexico he smiled and said, "Sobrino, y por que no te vas a Mexico?" (damn... good question...)
The summer between year 1 and 2 at a carne asada con el otro tio in Pico Rivers el Tio asked "a ver Sobrino, que estudias, QU-E estudias?"
I humbly replied, "bueno tio, la 'migration'." I was surprised when he said "ese es mi sorbrino. por eso te quiero cabron." With a measure of self-assurance and confidence I began to tell him about my project. It was going well until he asked me if had read La Vida inutil de Pito Perez... Shit! Damn it! I not only had not read the damn book, but had never EVEN HEARD of it... El Tio walked away, got in his car and drove away... 30 minutes later he came back with La Vida inutil de Pito Perez, a copy from the 1950s. The book was originally published in the late 1930s by a Mexican author. Its a great story about a poet who pays a migrant in DRINK to tell him stories about his experiences...
I'm in Mexico City... Just returned from having drinks with Froylan Enciso, Diego Flores Magon, and Daniel Hernandez articulating a transnational project: A Mexico-Chicano/a intellectual/artistic project (more to come on that). After a long night, I return to my residence (Froylan/Guillermo's spot) to find that the novel was written NEXT DOOR!.
If thats not the circle of life (think lion king). If that not South El Monte-Mexico City. If thats not Chicano-Mexicano connection... Bueno you get it. Shit works itself out. There is a master plan, well at least a transnational one.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading this. Please keep writing.
Desde Tucumán,
Yes please keep writing.
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ReplyDeleteLo bueno de esa história es que Pito Pérez tuvo una vida bastante útil!!! A mi me encanta cuando el politico llega al pueblo a 'explicar' con palabrotas que ni él mismo entiende... No nos sorprende que décadas despues, seguimos viendo las mismas vulgaridades de los politicos de hoy.
ReplyDeleteAlgo que es aún más chido es que ahora personas como tú y como yo, y como aquellos intelectuales de los que ahora nos rodeamos, tenemos un lugar maravilloso para ver el mundo...
Los que ya encontraron su nicho y se sienten con autoridad para hablar, y escribir sobre los demás deberían saber contestar esta pregunta:
"-¿Qué hace usted en la torre?"
I just wanted to watch how the city looks without me... (answer for the towel of the letter city)... ¡ja! ha!
ReplyDeletejajajajaj--hahahahhah-pinche froy!
ReplyDeleteAs always your writing is so great!
ReplyDeleteyes, keep writing, i love reading your blog.
un beso, y un fuerte abrazo.
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ReplyDeleteWhy do you fools insist on writing in script? Why not write in script and in english or spanish? Romeo delete these fools, they know none of the other reader know what the fuck they is saying.